Real Talk With Ross

Lloyd Kay | My father went to prison for manslaughter when I was 9 years old

Ross Hanrahan Season 1 Episode 8

Lloyd Kay is the director of Sydney Piling construction firm, a successful company built literally from the ground up, which is now one of leading piling businesses in New South Wales. 

But life wasn't always so good growing up in a rough part of the United Kingdom. At a young age Lloyd was exposed to some pretty horrific circumstances and his father was convicted of the manslaughter of his girlfriend (at the time Lloyd thought this was his mother). After that he was exposed to an extreme media outburst as his father made front page news and the house was surrounded by journalists... while his father was in prison he moved around a lot and got into selling drugs, violence and was essentially became a lost kid clinging onto the wrong crowd.

He talks about his struggles and how he came to realisation that his circumstances shouldn't be an excuse to not become something of himself in life. That's when he took a 1 way ticket to Sydney, Australia and never looked back...

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